Wednesday 23 May 2007

Scan date confirmed ...

Well, we've been given the scan date by the hospital ... it's Tuesday, June 12th - the day after Becky's birthday. We did ask if they could change it to the Monday, but they can't unfortunately.

Now it's all getting very real!

On another note (mild rant here) I had to do a Myers Brigg Personality Type Indicator Questionnaire today for our team meeting in a few weeks. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind doing a bit of pre-work, I even quite enjoy it, but these questionnaires I just fail to see the value of.

The questionnaire I had asked you things like "You're at a party. Do you A) talk to everyone and be outgoing, or B) talk only to those people you know?" ... and someone you'll never meet deciphers your personality type from that?! What they should ask is "You're at a party, and someone makes a move on your girlfriend. Do you A) tw*t him, and drag him by the hair kicking and screaming to give him a pasting outside, or B) congratulate him on his first-class choice of lady to pester?"

Do me a favour!

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